5 Easy Tips to Maintain Your Generator for Better Life

5 Easy Tips to Maintain Your Generator for Better Life

A good, running generator is a staple piece of equipment for many types of projects. You won’t always have access to a power supply, so having a generator and knowing where you can find excellent generator maintenance services is a must. 

Improper care and maintenance can lead to your generator malfunctioning or not working at all, leaving you and your team – quite literally! – in the dark. Your generator dying is inconvenient, frustrating and will cause you to either purchase a brand-new one or spend more money on extensive repairs. 

But don’t worry, standard generator maintenance and upkeep really isn’t that difficult. You can follow the simple tips in this article to make sure your generator stays running for a long time. Easy maintenance tips and routine servicing by professionals can save you time, money and stress.

How To Easily Maintain Your Generator To Ensure Longevity And Productivity

You probably have a lot of experience with tools if you’re regularly working with a generator, but you don’t have to have a high level of technical knowledge to treat your generator right. Your effort, and occasional generator maintenance services from the right professionals, will drastically extend your generator’s life.

What is generator upkeep like? Consider the following five tips for your generator:

1. Keep It Clean! First, keep your generator clean! Generators are usually used outside or on construction sites, which aren’t the cleanest areas in the world. Your generator may be exposed to dirt and debris. This may not seem like a really big deal at first, but dirt and little bits of substances could get inside your generator and hinder its performance. Too many obstructions can lead to worsening conditions for your generator. 

You can use an air supply or a rag to clean your generator safely. We highly recommend not using a pressure washer or other forms of harsh treatment because this can cause more harm than good.

2. Get Your Oil Changed. Professional generator maintenance services can assist you with an oil change if you aren’t sure how to correctly do it yourself. Some people recommend changing your oil every 50 to 100 hours of operation, but your oil change schedule may be different depending on your situation. 

If you’re not sure how often you should change your oil, you should speak to the people providing you with excellent maintenance services for advice. For example, at Machiniwam, our helpful team is always here to offer you our advice and assistance. 

3. Check It Regularly. It would be extremely frustrating if you went to use your generator after a while of not using it, only for it to not turn on at all! Check your generator yourself on a routine basis. Even if you’re not using it, you should check it and test it to see that it’s still functional. 

This way, you can avoid situations where you need it but it won’t work. You can then take it in for generator maintenance services if you find that it’s not working right. 

4. Always Use It Correctly. Absolutely always use your generator correctly. All powered tools and devices can be dangerous if used incorrectly. 

Use your generator as you should, set it up correctly in a space that’s suitable for it and never treat it too roughly. Following standard safety rules keeps you, your team and your generator safe.

Handling your generator or any of your tools recklessly can result in serious damage or accidents. Many people think that if an accident hasn’t happened before, it won’t happen now. But accidents often occur when we least expect them to. 

When working on any project involving potentially dangerous tools or machinery, it’s always better to be cautious now than regretful later. 

5. If It Requires Service, Only Get It Serviced By A Qualified Professional. Finally, if your generator ever needs servicing and you’re not qualified or trained to do it yourself, always have it seen by professionals. Trying to perform extensive generator maintenance services on your generator without the right tools, experience or training can lead to further problems. 

When should you take your generator to be seen by professional technicians? It’s typically recommended to have your generator maintained every 6 to 12 months, even if it seems to be working fine. Your generator may have underlying issues that you don’t know about yet. 

Of course, if you notice there are clear issues with your generator or you suspect that something may be wrong, you also go to professional technicians then just to be safe.

Does Your Generator Need Maintaining? No Worries – Call Us Today!

Machiniwam is here and ready to provide you with our helpful services! We can perform quality generator maintenance services to keep your generator in good condition. We’re happy to help the people of New Zealand with our construction equipment repair and maintenance knowledge. 

Do you have any questions regarding your generator or what we do? Call us now at 021 089 72923, or visit our website to get in touch.

You can trust Machiniwam to keep your equipment up and running.

Benefits of Using A Concrete Mixer In Construction Work

Concrete is used in many different types of construction projects for countless reasons. If you’ve got an upcoming project requiring concrete, you may have a big question: ‘Where will I get this concrete, and how will I mix it?’ Knowing the ins and outs of concrete mixers and machine repair before you start your next project can help you find the best solution for you. 

You’ve got a few options that you can choose. You could mix the concrete yourself; you could have it delivered from somewhere off-site; or you could choose to get a concrete mixer that you and your team can use on-site. 

We’re here to help you understand why that last option may be perfect for you.

The Top Benefits Of Using A Concrete Mixer On Your Construction Site

Concrete mixers that have been maintained by experts who understand machine repair, can offer you quality concrete right on your construction site! They come with plenty of advantages that everyone should know about, such as:

They’re Productive. How long does it take one worker to mix up a batch of concrete? It’s tough, physical labour that people rarely volunteer for. Who wants to spend their time mixing heavy concrete when they could be taking care of other crucial tasks? 

When you have a concrete mixer, the machine can practically do all of the work for you. These wonderful machines make it easy to mix up batches of concrete with minimal effort in a quicker amount of time. Your concrete will be all ready, and your team can continue to be productive. 

They Can Improve Concrete Quality. Mixing multiple components together can be very difficult because you’ll need to ensure that everything gets mixed evenly to create a good, consistent mixture. Doing this by hand, especially when you’re tired or don’t have much time to spare, can result in lumpy, uneven concrete that isn’t effective. 

But by using your concrete mixer you will be able to produce consistently high-quality concrete if you use it correctly. Always be sure your concrete mixer is in good condition and has gotten the machine repair it needs to ensure it works well. 

They’re The Safer Choice. Mixing concrete yourself isn’t always the safest choice. It’s difficult, back-breaking labour that can cause serious strain on your back and other muscles. This muscle tension will only make it more difficult to complete your other duties. 

Also taking into account, the components of the concrete itself aren’t the safest to be around. Concrete dust can cause issues if inhaled or if it gets into your eyes. Please ensure to wear the right protective gear when you deal with materials like this. 

Although a concrete mixer won’t completely eliminate fatigue or exposure to cement ingredients, it’ll certainly help minimise it! A convenient mixer means you’ll have to handle the components less and put less physical effort into mixing them. This means that, overall, mixing concrete will be a safer job.

They’re Easy To Transport. Is your new construction site a bit far away? No worries, you’ll be able to easily transport your excellent concrete mixer because they’re relatively small and easy to move. This makes them ideal for any location, close or far away.

They’re Convenient. Combine the above-listed benefits, and you get quite a convenient machine! They help your team mix concrete quicker; they provide you with high-quality concrete right on your site; they make your site safer and they’re easy to move. What’s not to love?

Just be sure that your concrete mixer has gotten all of the machine repair servicing it needs to work properly. Remember to ensure your mixer (and all of your equipment) is working well before starting your project. You don’t want to be hard at work in the middle of a tough job only to discover that one of your most useful pieces of equipment isn’t working.

How Can You Get A Concrete Mixer For Your Site?

A cement mixer sounds fantastic! But how can you get one for your New Zealand construction site?

No worries, we’ll help! Machiniwam can provide you with affordable and reliable second-hand concrete mixers. Our team of professionals care for our machines to ensure they’re in fantastic condition.

We’re also machine repair experts, so even if you already have a concrete mixer, we can ensure it’s maintained and ready to go.

Whom To Speak To About Affordable Machine Options And Repair In New Zealand

Machines and equipment help people all around New Zealand complete their important tasks, but what do you do when those machines need servicing? You call Machiniwam, of course! We, at Machiniwam do our best to help construction companies, contractors and more with their useful equipment. 

Do you work with small machinery? We encourage you to come visit our site to check out our services. We’re happy to provide you with effective services to help you make every job a success. 

Please feel free to give our Machiniwam team a call at 021 089 72923 if you have any questions for us; we’d love to chat. 

Ensure all of your machines are working as they should with Machiniwam!